客戶簡介:麥特達因是全球一流的汽車發動機、動力傳動系統及底盤的設計者及制造者。著重持續發展,在美國、歐洲、韓國、日本、中國、捷克等多個國家及地區都有麥特達因成長的足跡,以此滿足了全球客戶的需求。全年收入額約為 20 億美金。現在14個國家 45個工廠中有超過 7,500 名員工。據介紹,麥特達因目前配套的客戶既有通用、福特、戴-克、寶馬、大眾、本田、保時捷、豐田、雷諾、本特利、日產、馬自達,以及上海通用、東南汽車等中外知名整車廠家,也有博世、德爾福、麥格納、偉世通等世界著名零部件廠商,業已成為全球汽車制造商首選的供應商。
Metaldyne is a leading designer and producer of powertrain and chassis products. We continue to grow our manufacturing footprint in strategic locations, including Korea, China, and the Czech Republic, to meet the needs of its global customer base. Metaldyne’s annual revenue is approximately $2 billion, we are employing more than 7,500 people at 45 facilities in 14 countries. Through the collective strength of its employees and a diverse supply base, Metaldyne has become the supplier of choice for automakers around the world. Metaldyne’s vision is to create value for the customer by being the leading global designer and supplier of premium quality, high value metal-formed components, assemblies and modules for the transportation industry.